Monday, September 17, 2012

another fantastic idea, by my mom

We have been canning.... A LOT.  Unlike my mom and sister, I don't can because I LOVE  to, I don't love to.  But I love the idea of getting ready for winter and providing for my family.  I love being a good mom, and since my mom always canned, then that is one of the things that equates "momness"  And everytime I open a home-canned- jar of peaches or whatever, as a snack for my children, I think, Oh I love you.  I can because I love my Children.  

Any ways..... enough sappiness..... Canning = DISHES!!! and my moms dish soap dispener is ridiculous.  and she was trying to kill fruit flies,  (which didn't work)  BUT  this was amazing.  and it will save $$ on dish soap, which is cheap but saving $$ is always great!

So mix soap and a little water into a......

Spray Bottle!  Yea~

2 Squirts seems to be the perfect amount of dish soap!  Hooray!

As my mom was washing this, I was looking something up on pinterest.  And somebody said, we should put this on pinterest, But I am the only one with a blog, so it fell to me.  :)

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